Tuesday, June 9, 2009


What will we need? Power bars, nuts, do the women really need to wear skirts, no short sleeve shirts? (but won't we be too warm?), not too flowery?, the power is shut off at night... how many batteries will I need for my reading light, for my flashlight? Flying coach for 20+ hours? Sure hope I have an aisle seat... what if I am stuck next to someone who is asleep and I can't get out?... or snores?... or smells?? No one would bring a baby on such a long flight... would they? Will my converter really work for my laptop? When will I have time to enter the blog with no power at night? Sure hope the portable modem the Ugandan staff has is in working order. The "monkey mind" just won't stop! Then the big questions.... how will seeing MTI's relief sites affect us? Are we equipped to process all that we will see? Will I really be changed forever like Kathy McCoy says? Can we really handle seeing children who are ill and/or seperated from their families? Is my heart big enough? So many questions.... 4 more days until we depart on this great adventure!

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